Research projects with international partnership

The Graduate Program in Special Education has been maintaining a partnership in project development with international partnerships and expanding cooperation.

  1. Optimization of Early Communication in Children with Autism. - Partner institution: University of Massachusetts Medical School – UMMS/USA: It is linked to the National Institute of Science and Technology on Behavior, Cognition and Teaching (ECCE), and has been developed since 2012. Deisy de Souza Coordinator and Lidia M. M. Postalli (PPGEEs) UFSCar); William Dube, Richard Serna and William McIlvane from UMMS, USA; Ana Cláudia Almeida-Verdu UNESP graduates PPGEEs; Heloisa H. Motta Bandini UNCISAL; Júlio C. de Rose (UFSCar); André A. Borges Varella (UFSCar); Vanessa Ayres Pereira; Lucas Tadeu Garcia (PUC MG). Funding Agency: National Institute of Health.
  2. Intergenerational Family Solidarity in Vulnerable Situations: Family Relationships of Children with Disabilities in Brazil and Portugal. Coordinator / Anne Marie Fontaine / Maria Cristina P. I. Hayashi (PPGEES) / Gerusa Lourenço (PPGEES).
  3. Language development and assisted communication in children and young people with special needs - a cross-cultural investigation. Researchers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, the United States, Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland. Coordinators: Dr. Von Stephen Tetzchner, University of Norway (General Coordinator) and Leila Regina d'Oliveira de Paula Nunes-UERJ (Brazilian Coordinator). In Brazil, the following institutions are also involved: UNESP – Marília; UERJ – Rio de Janeiro; UFRN – Natal; Anne Sullivan Center of Brazil and UFSCar – São Carlos represented in the person of Professor Maria Amélia Almeida.
  4. Adaptation and validation of the SIS Support Intensity Scale for Brazil: A contribution to the functional assessment of young people and adults with intellectual disabilities. The project has been developed in partnership with the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal (Dr. Miguel Augusto Santos and Dr. Manuela Sanches). PPGEEs Participants: Lidia Postalli (PPGEEs professor); Maria Amélia Almeida (PPGEEs professor - Coordinator); Yasmin Boueri (UFPR professor); Marta Maria Lopes Flores (UFG-Catalão professor) and PPGEE graduates. Funding Agency: Support from CNPq.
  5. Adaptation of an assessment scale of dialogue in the school space for the context of Bilingual Education for the Deaf. Members: Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda (PPGEES) Coordinator / Marta Grácia Garcia – Member. FAPESP-Bolsa.
  6. The project “Evaluation of a computerized program for teaching reading and writing to students with intellectual disabilities” is coordinated by Professor Lidia Maria Marson Postalli and financed by CNPq – Universal Notice MCTI/CNPq No 01/2016 (Process 427409/2016-0) .
  7. Project “Inclusion of the Target Audience of Special Education in the context of School Physical Education”, PPGEEs teacher coordination Dra Mey de Abreu Van Muster. This project aims to investigate the inclusion of students with disabilities in the context of physical education in schools in Brazil and in other countries. Members: Mey de Abreu Van Munster - Coordinator / Lauren Lieberman (USA), and students and alumni of PPGEEs. / Funder(s): CNPq - Scholarship / CAPES - Scholarship.

CAPES School of Advanced Studies - “Children and Adolescents at Risk: Ethical Dimensions, Intervention and Scientific Innovation”. who taught the Conference “Resilience and its role in mental health promotion”, and the subjects “Using mixed methods to understand interactive processes associated with cognitive processes”, and, “Visual methods: What they are and what they can contribute to our studies of people's meaning making frameworks”. The second cycle of activities: from 12/01 to 12/03, 2019, Dr. Ilina Singh (University of Oxford) who taught the conference “Digital Tools in Mental Health: Social and Ethical Considerations” and the course “Ethics of Psychiatric Genomic Research in Low and Middle-Income Countries”