Area of Concentration

Area of Concentration: Special Individual Education

For the purpose of delimiting and directing the postgraduate course, the notion will be adopted that Special Education must be characterized by any type and level of work, of an educational nature, which explores the teaching conditions to ensure that the target population acquire repertoires considered relevant and that are not being or cannot be developed under usual teaching conditions. From this point of view, would be eligible for special education assistance:

  1. any individual who, as a result of their own organic or constitutional characteristics, characteristics of their environment or deficiencies in the school system, has difficulty benefiting from the teaching conditions offered by regular education or natural living conditions, but who their development can be promoted through the use of special teaching procedures or specific technologies, whether in a formal or informal teaching situation;
  2. any individual (and especially children from zero to six years old) who, for the same reasons mentioned above, present risks in terms of future development and learning possibilities (prevention);
  3. individuals with special health conditions that require the learning of special repertoires to deal with such conditions.