International Research Networks

  1. International cooperation agreement with the Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico” and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal.
  2. Specific agreement for inter-university cooperation between UFSCar, University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain: and Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho", FCLAr/Araraquara.
  3. International cooperation agreement between Le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) (Paris, France) and UFSCar.
  4. International cooperation agreement between UFSCa and the University of North Carolina-Wilmington; signed in January 2017.
  5. Thesis co-tutorship agreement involving the PPGEEs/UFSCar and the Doctoral Program in Women's Studies, Discourses and Gender Practices at the University of Granada (UGR).
  6. Agreement between UFSCar and the University of La Laguna.
  7. Agreement signed between PPGEEs/UFSCarr), the Graduate Program in Psychology (PPGPsi/UFSCar) and the University of Barcelona (UB)-Catalunya. International cooperation agreement with the Institut national supérieur de formation et de recherche pour l'éducation des jeunes handicapés et les enseignements adaptés - INSHEA (France), there is also the intention of an internship in Paris (France) to develop a research project together with Prof Serge Ebersold (Conservatoire National de Arts et Métiers.
  8. Cooperation agreement between OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan University), Norway and UFSCar.
  9. International Cooperation Agreement PPGEEs UFSCar with Udelar (Montevideo/Uruguay).

Composition of International Research Projects

Optimization of Early Communication in Children with Autism. - Partner institution: University of Massachusetts Medical School – UMMS/USA Project of the National Institute of Science and Technology on Behavior, Cognition and Teaching (ECCE). Deisy de Souza Coordinator and Lidia M. Marson Postalli (PPGEEs UFSCar); William Dube, Richard Serna and William J McIlvane from UMMS, USA; Ana Cláudia Almeida-Verdu UNESP graduates PPGEEs; Heloisa Helena Motta Bandini UNCISAL graduates from PPGEEs; Júlio Cesar de Rose (UFSCar) and other members. Intergenerational Family Solidarity in Vulnerable Situations: Family Relationships of Children with Disabilities in Brazil and Portugal The project continues a line of work that we have been developing with families and children, which began in 2006 with the teacher's team. Anne Marie Fontaine from the University of Porto. PPGEEs Members: Claudia Maria Simões Martinez / HAYASHI, Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini; Gerusa Lawrence.

Adaptation of an assessment scale of dialogue in the school space for the context of Bilingual Education for the Deaf; the Oral Language Teaching Assessment Scale (EVALOE) created by Marta Gràcia (2015) and her research group (Barcelona). Funding: FAPESP. Language development and assisted communication in children and young people with special needs - a cross-cultural investigation. Researchers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, the United States, Portugal, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland. In Brazil, the following institutions are also involved: UNESP – Marília; UERJ – Rio de Janeiro; UFRN – Natal; Anne Sullivan Center of Brazil and UFSCar – São Carlos represented in the person of Professor Maria Amélia Almeida. Translation and Validation of the SIS Scale - Partner institution: Instituto Politécnico do Porto.

Project developed in partnership with Dr. Miguel Augusto Santos and Dr. Manuela Sanches from the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. PPGEE Participants: Lidia Postalli; Maria Amelia Almeida; Yasmin Boueri (UFPR professor graduates PPGEEs) and graduates PPGEEs. Evaluation of a computerized program for teaching reading and writing to students with intellectual disabilities is coordinated by Professor Lidia Postalli and with the participation of Professor Deisy G. de Souza (PPGEEs) and students Érika Rímoli Mota da Silva (PPGEEs PhD, CAPES scholarship holder) and (Jéssica Harume Dias Muto), and the participation of Professor Maria Manuela Pires Sanches Fernandes Ferreira, at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, in Portugal.

Inclusion of the Target Audience of Special Education in the context of School Physical Education, PPGEEs teacher coordination Dra Mey de Abreu Van Muster/Lauren Lieberman (USA)- and other members. Support: CNPq and CAPES.

Participation in Research Groups and Centers for International Studies and/or with Foreign Partners

  1. Nucleus of Behavior, Cognition and Teaching Studies – ECCE: Foreign institution: University of Massachusetts Medical School – UMMS (United States) PPGEEs Participants: Profa. Deisy das Graças de Souza (coordinator); Maria Stella C. de Alcântara Gil (PPGEEs/UFSCar), Ana Claudia M. Almeida-Verdu (UNESP graduates from PPGEEs), Thais Porlan de Oliveira (UFMG graduates from PPGEEs); Heloisa Helena Motta Bandini (UNCISAL graduates from PPGEEs); and Richard Serna, William J. McIlvane, William J. Dube (all UMMS, USA). Funded by the MCT/CNPq-FAPESP agreement.
  2. Interpersonal Relations and Social Skills (RIHS): Foreign institutions: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and Louisiania S. University (United States). Participation of PPGEEs: Almir Del Prette and Zilda Del Prette (UFSCar) coordinator; UNESP-Bauru Alessandra T. Bolsoni-Silva (Egress PPGEEs), Fábio Biasotto Feitosa (Egress PPGEEs); and Fabián Oláz (National University of Cordoba, Argentina).
  3. Assistive Communication Network: Foreign institution: University of Norway. Network coordinated by the University of Norway, with the participation of researchers from Sweden, Denmark, England, USA, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Holland and Ireland. In Brazil, the coordination is carried out by UERJ in partnership with UNESP, UFRN and UFSCar (Maria Amelia Almeida).
  4. Deafness and Bilingual Approach: Foreign collaborator: Elsie Alejandrina Pérez Serrano (Republic of Cuba) and Association of Universities Grupo Montevideo – AUGM (Latin America) Foreign institution: Association of Universities Grupo Montevideo. teacher Dr. Cristina B.F. Lacerda (PPGEEs)
  5. Promotion of Child Development in the Context of Family Life and School Foreign collaborators: Anne Marie Germaine Fontaine (Porto, Portugal); Claudia M.S. Martinez (PPGEEs).
  6. Stimulus equivalence, instructional control and listening behavior in cochlear implant patients Foreign collaborator: Armando Domingos Batista Machado (Portugal); Deisy G. de Souza (PPGEEs)
  7. Research group: History, Society and Education in Brazil: HISTEDBR/UFSCar: Foreign collaborator: Thérèse Hamel (Canada); Maria C.P.I. Hayashi (PPGEEs);
  8. Center for Studies in Adapted Physical Activity NEAFA (Center for Studies in Adapted Physical Activity) Foreign collaborator: Lauren Joy Lieberman (USA), Mey Abreu van Munster (PPGEEs),
  9. Participation of Professor Enicéia G. Mendes in the research group “Training, Action Research and Management in Special Education”, under the coordination of Professor Dr Mariangela Lima de Almeida, from UFES. Collaboration with Maria Assunção Flores Fernandes, University of Minho.
  10. Fátima Denari participates in the “Nucleo de Estudos da Sexualidade (NUSEX)”, UNESP Araraquara. The study nucleus maintains an exchange program with the University of Alcalá (Spain); with the University of Lisbon, University of Aveiro, University of Minho and Higher School of Education of Coimbra (Portugal); and with the Autonomous University of Entre Rios, Argentina.
  11. Leonardo Santos Amâncio Cabral is a researcher at the Study and Research Group in Inclusive Education (GEPEI), UFGD. The group has the collaboration of Prof Eladio Sebastian Heredero, from Spain.