
The Program's history points to several national and international exchanges that have been important for the development of research in Special Education.

At the national level, the Program actively interacts with Municipalities, APAEs and other institutions that deal with special individuals.

It interacts, from a different perspective, with higher education professors from various institutions in the region: from the Departments of Psychology and Education at Universidade Estadual Paulista (from Araraquara and Marília), from the Department of Psychology and Education at the University of São Paulo (from Ribeirão Preto) , from the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of São Paulo (from São Paulo), from the Center for Teaching and Special Patient Care at the University of Campinas (Piracicaba campus), from the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Campinas, Centrinho/USP de Bauru, among others.

Internationally, the exchange with the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Mental Retardation (Waltham, Massasuchessets, USA), with the New England Center for Autism (Southborough, Massasuchessets, USA), with the Ann Sullivan Center for Special Education (Lima, Peru) stands out. ) and the Parsons Research Center at the University of Kansas (Parsons, Kansas, USA).

More recent contacts (with projects planned for implementation in the near future) include Vanderbilt University, University of Illinois (Carbondalle and Chicago); the University of Northern Arizona (Arizona, USA); University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada); Louisiana State University (USA); the Faculty of Human Motricity (Lisbon, Portugal); the Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico); the University of Granada (Spain) and the University of Cordoba (Argentina).

These exchanges will tend to intensify in the future, with the participation of doctoral students in advanced research centers.


International scientific cooperation agreements

Università Degli Studi Di Roma Foro Italico (Italy)
In 2011, an agreement was signed with the Università Degli Studi Di Roma Foro Itálico (Rome, Italy), through which the first joint guardianship agreement was signed.

INSHEA and ISPEF (France)
In 2013, an agreement was signed with INSHEA (Institut National Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche pour les Élèves Handicapés et léducation Adapté) in Suresnes, and the Institut des Sciences et des Pratiques d’Education et Formation (ISPEF) at Université Lumière Lyon 2 in Lyon. 

Northampton University (England)
In 2015, the “Becoming visible: comparing policies, practices and research in special and inclusive education in Brazil and England”/“Becoming visible: comparing inclusive and special education policies, practices and research in Brazil and the UK” was held. proposed by the Federal University of São Carlos and the University of Northampton. Funded by the British Council, FAPESP and Newton Fund, the workshop took place between the 12th and 14th of March 2015, at the Federal University of São Carlos (São Carlos, SP).


Holguin University “Oscar Lucero Moya” (Cuba)

In 2016, an agreement was signed between the Federal University of São Carlos and the University of Holguin “Oscar Lucero Moya” (Cuba) with the aim of strengthening academic and scientific exchange relations between both institutions.

For more information, access the website of the Dean of Graduate Studies at UFSCar (external link)



National Exchanges
Regarding network projects, professors have continued partnerships through participation in research groups from other HEIs, inter-institutional projects, and project development and their continuation in new proposals (mostly approved for funding by funding agencies). ). These partnerships are often also in an international network.

The Brazilian Congress of Special Education, organized by professors and students of the Graduate Program in Special Education, enables exchanges with thousands of participants from all over Brazil and abroad. In addition, in 2019, the PPGEEs had the completion of a post-doctorate in February and the completion of a post-doctorate by another professor at a Brazilian HEI. Program professors organized five books with the participation of national and international researchers in the authorship of the chapters, among other activities carried out.