National and international networks

Among the exchanges, the existence of research groups and projects developed in a national and international research network stand out:

National Observatory of Special Education (ONEESP/OBEDUC/CAPES): Coordinated by Professor Enicéia G. Mendes (PPGEEs), developed in collaboration with 22 Brazilian universities involving 22 graduate programs. The work continued with the research “Network research with E-Science tools applied to the study of Inclusive Education policy in Brazil”, with the conduction of two studies. Continuing the work developed, in 2017 the research “Evaluation of school inclusion policy in a municipal context based on the policy cycle approach” was started, with the help of FAPESP and CNPq. The present project had the general objective of developing and improving instruments for the evaluation and monitoring of the current school inclusion policy that allow economic studies and large-scale data collection.

Also noteworthy is the proposal to continue the current “National Institute of Science and Technology on Behavior, Cognition and Teaching: Relational Learning and Symbolic Behavior (II)”, coordinated by Professor Deisy das Graças de Souza. The current INCT-ECCE is a multi-institutional and multidisciplinary group of researchers that has been active for almost two decades, having been previously financed by the PRONEX program (Program to Support Groups of Excellence).

The inter-institutional research project “Accessibility in Higher Education: from the analysis of public educational policies to the development of instrumental media on disability and inclusion (OBEDUC/CAPES/INEP Public Notice no. 49/2012)” coordinated by Professor Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira Martins from UNESP-Marília, with the participation of professors Rosimeire Maria Orlando and Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda from PPGEEs/UFSCar and researchers linked to Graduate Programs related to the areas of Education, Psychology, Communication, Linguistics and Physical Education, as follows: Universities: UEM-PR, UEL-PR, UFJF-MG, UFSC-SC, UTP-PR, UNESP-SP (Araraquara, Bauru and Marília), USP/Ribeirão Preto and UFJF-MG.

The inter-institutional research project “Assessing the quality of special education within the scope of Basic Education”, coordinated by Professor Cristina B. F. de Lacerda, was funded by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).

The inter-institutional research project “Perspectives of the library as a creative organization in the optimization of learning resources: from accessibility to informational fluency”, coordinated by Professor Marcos Luiz Cavalcanti de Miranda (UNIRio), with the participation of Professor Rosemeire Rangni (PPGEEs UFSCar) and Márcia Valeria da S.B. Costa (UNIRio).

Another inter-institutional research “School’s Paralympic Sport: An investigation into the inclusion of students with disabilities in school physical education”, with funding from CNPq (Universal Project), coordinated by Professor Maria Luíza Tanure Alves (Unicamp), has the collaboration by Professor Mey de Abrey Van Munster (PPGEEs). The study is structured through the inclusion of Paralympic sport in the curriculum of PE classes, investigating the effects on the inclusion of students with disabilities.

The Interpersonal Relations and Social Skills Research Group (RIHS) coordinated by professors Almir Del Prette (PPGEEs) and Zilda Del Prette has several centers in other institutions, namely: UNESP-Bauru Alessandra T. Bolsoni-Silva (Egressa PPGEEs), UERJ , RJ: Eliane Falcone, UNESA, RJ: Eliane Gerk, UNIVERSE: Adriana B. Soares, UFSJ, MG: Marina Bandeira, UEL: Maura G. de Freitas (PPGEEs graduate), UnB: Sheila G.Murta, USP-RP : Sonia R. Loureiro and UNIR, RO: Fábio B.Feitosa (PPGEEs graduate). Fabián Oláz (National University of Córdoba, Argentina) with an internship of visiting professors of Brazilian researchers at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Agreement also signed between the research groups, Frank M. Gresham (Louisiana State University).

The project “Development of Language and Assistive Communication in Special Children and Young People: A Transcultural Investigation”, with the participation of Prof. Maria Amélia Almeida with researchers from over 10 countries: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, United States, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Holland and Ireland. In Brazil, the following institutions are involved: UNESP/Marília; UERJ/Rio de Janeiro; UFRN/Natal; Anne Sullivan Center of Brazil. General coordinator: Dr. Von Stephen Tetzchner, University of Norway, and Leila Regina d'Oliveira de Paula Nunes UERJ coordinator Brazil.

The project “Adaptation and validation of the Support Intensity Scale - SIS for Brazil: A contribution to the functional assessment of young people and adults with intellectual disabilities” coordinated by Professor Maria Amélia Almeida, and developed in partnership with Dr. Miguel A. Santos and Dr. Manuela Sanches from the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal.

The inter-institutional project “Access and retention of students with disabilities in Brazilian higher education based on social indicators”, coordinated by Professor Dr Rosimeire Maria Orlando (PPGEEs UFSCar) started in 2019 and has the collaboration of Professor Dr Silvia Marcia Ferreira Meletti ( UEL PPGE), in addition to Liz Amaral Saraiva (Doctoral PPGEEs), Vanessa Cristina Paulino (PPGEEs graduate), Sally Cristina Gouveia da Silva Ferreira (UFSCar undergraduate). Its study proposal is the school education of people with disabilities, specifically the access and permanence of students with disabilities in Brazilian higher education, based on social indicators. Account with CNPq funding (CAMADA UNIVERSAL - MCTI/CNPq No. 28/2018 Universal Range B - effective from 2019 to 2021).

The Center for Studies and Research in the Right to Education - Special Education, coordinated by Professors Rosimeire Maria Orlando (PPGEEs UFSCar) and Heulália Charalo Rafante (UFC), began in 2009 under the coordination of Professor Katia R M Caiado. It is formed by researchers from the Graduate Program in Special Education (São Carlos campus) and from the Graduate Program in Education (Campus Sorocaba) and their advisees. In addition to public school teachers. Since 2014 there have been international collaboration activities with Mozambique, by the Ministry of Education and Human Development and the Pedagogical University. NEPEDE'EEs has centers at UFSCar and UFC.

The research group “Education of the Deaf, Subjectivities and Differences (GPESDi)”, under the coordination of professor Vanessa Vanessa Regina de Oliveira Martins, has partnerships with the Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ) and with the Municipality of São Paulo. Rio Claro/SP. The group develops research focused on education within the scope of singularities. The research focus has been on deaf studies, from a social and ontological perspective, on education for differences, on inclusive and bilingual education (Brazilian Sign Language and Portuguese Language) and on the challenges of building educational policies that address linguistic differences. -cultural, deaf and other minority groups.

Professor Adriana Garcia Gonçalves is a researcher in the group “Physical and Sensory Disabilities”, under the coordination of Profs Eduardo José Manzini and Aila Narene Dahwache Criado Rocha, from the Department of Education, UNESP campus Marília. The Physical and Sensory Disabilities research group aims to study disability-directed phenomena, but with a multidisciplinary focus on education and health. The interest revolves around research on the training of professionals and researchers and the development of evaluation systems and implementation of resources and strategies for special education. He has a strong interest in developing methodologies for research in special education. The group is part of the National Observatory of Special Education network and is composed of researchers from the following institutions: UNESP, UFSCar, UFMG.

Professor Almir Del Prette participates as a researcher in two research groups “Intelligence, social cognition and interpersonal relationships”, under the coordination of Profs Luís Antônio Monteiro Campos and Adriana Ferreira Paes Ribas, from Universidade Estácio de Sá - UNESA; Niterói-RJ; and “Human Factors and Technological Learning”, under the coordination of Professors Camila de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo (egress PPGEEs UFSCar) and Marinilda Lima Souza, from SENAI, Bahia Regional Department). The participation of foreign collaborator Anne Marie Germaine Fontaine, from the University of Porto, stands out in the group.

Professor Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes is part of the team of researchers of the research group “Training, Action Research and Management in Special Education - GRUFOPEES”, under the coordination of Professor Mariangela Lima de Almeida, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES. The group has developed studies with public managers of Special Education, having them as collaborators-partners in the research-training process. Among the researchers that make up the team, the group has the participation of Josiane Beltrame Milanesi, a graduate of the PPGEEs doctorate and professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo and coordinator of the Nucleus for people with specific educational needs. . The group also counts with the collaboration of the foreigner Maria Assunção Flores Fernandes, University of Minho. International collaborative action research network estreiadialogos (external link); International collaborative action research network - CARN (external link). The group has partnerships with national and international higher education institutions, and education networks in Brazilian states.

Professor Fátima Elisabeth Denari participates in the “Nucleus of Sexuality Studies (NUSEX)”, under the coordination of Profs Paulo Rennes Marçal Ribeiro and Ana Cláudia Bortolozzi Maia, Department of Educational Psychology, UNESP Araraquara campus. Currently, NUSEX has effective contact and exchange with researchers from UDESC (Florianópolis SC), UEL (Londrina PR), UEM (Maringá PR) and UFLA (Lavras MG), and from other UNESP campuses. Abroad, they maintain an exchange program with the University of Alcalá (Spain); with the University of Lisbon, University of Aveiro, University of Minho and Higher School of Education of Coimbra (Portugal); and with the Autonomous University of Entre Rios, Argentina.

Professor Leonardo Santos Amâncio Cabral is a researcher at the Group of Studies and Research in Inclusive Education (GEPEI), coordinated by Profs Aline Maira da Silva and Washington Cesar Shoiti Nozu, from the Federal University of Grande Dourados - UFGD. GEPEI focuses on interdisciplinary and inter-institutional debate for reflection, investigation, critical production, horizontal and transdisciplinary actions for the elaboration and dissemination of knowledge regarding: inclusive educational policies in Basic Education and Higher Education (at all levels, stages and modalities education); affirmative policies; accessibility; inclusive and intercultural education guidelines; management, assessment, curriculum and diversity; inclusive education practices; technological accessibility; teacher training; teaching-learning process; elaboration of innovative proposals and projects that address ethnic diversity, cultural and linguistic pluralism and specific educational needs. Among the participating researchers, there is the foreign collaboration of Prof Eladio Sebastian Heredero, from Spain. The group is part of the National Observatory of Special Education research network.

Professor Lidia Maria Marson Postalli is a researcher at the "Computerized Center for Language Studies", coordinated by Professors Heloisa Helena Motta Bandini and Carmen Silvia Motta Bandini, from the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas - UNCISAL, with UFSCar being the partner institution of search.

Professor Rosemeire Araújo Rangni acts as leader in the research group “Excellence, Sustainability and Social Innovation: Engineering of Creative Organizations and Educational Technological Solutions”, in partnership with Professor Cladice Nobile Diniz, from the Center for Exact Sciences and Technology (CCET), Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO.