TPEE - Inclusão escolar e ensino colaborativo

Sigla: EES2677

Total de Créditos: 8 créditos

Caráter da Disciplina: Optativa

Ementa: Conceitos de Inclusão Escolar e Colaboração; A inclusão escolar e os novos papéis na escola; Ensino colaborativo; Análise do Trabalho Colaborativo; Formação de profissionais e estudo curricular como estratégias para a construção de escolas inclusivas.

Bibliografia Principal: 

  1. Assis, C. P., Mendes, E. G., & Almeida, M. A. (2011). Ensino colaborativo: um relato de experiência sobre o desenvolvimento de parceria colaborativa. Educere et Educare, 6(11), 1-15.
  2. Agran, M., Alper, S. & Wehmeyer, M. (2002). Access to general curriculum for students with significant disabilities: what it means to teachers. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 37, no2, pp.123-133.
  3. Appl, D. J., Troha, C. & Rowell, J. (2001). Reflections of a first-year team the growth of a collaborative partnership. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33, no3, pp. 4-8.
  4. Argüelles, M E., Hughes, M. T., & Schumm, J. S. (2000). Co- Teaching: A Different Approach to Inclusion. Principal (Reston, Va.), 79(4), 50-1.
  5. Bolton, K. C. (2002). Problem formulation and literature review. Co-Teaching :How Effective is it? - Capellini, V. L. M. F., & Mendes, E. G. (2007). O ensino colaborativo favorecendo o desenvolvimento profissional para a inclusão escolar. Educere et Educare,. 2(4), 113-128.
  6. Carneiro, R. U. C., & Mendes, E. G. (2008). Gestão Escolar Inclusiva. Revista Ser - Saber, Educação e Reflexão, 1(1).
  7. Dinnebeil, L. A. & McInerney, W. F. (2001). An Innovative practicum to support early childhood inclusion through collaborative consultation. Teacher Education and Special Education, 24(3), 263-266.
  8. Division for learning disabilities (2001). Current practice alerts. www.dldcec.or/alerts/ Issue 6.
  9. Duchardt, B., Mrlow, L., Inman, D., Christensen, P. & Reeves, M. (1999). Collaboration and co-teaching: general and special education faculty. The Clearing House, 72, no3, pp. 186-190.
  10. Fatting, G, M. L., & Taylor, M. T. (2008). Co-Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom: Successful Collaboration, Lesson Design, and Classroom Management, Grades 5-12. San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
  11. Federico, M. A., Herrold, W. G. & Venn, J. (1999). Helpful tips for successful inclusion a checklist for educators. Teaching Exceptional Children, 32, no1, pp. 76-82. - Fennick, E. (2001). Coteaching an inclusive curriculum for transition. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33, no6, pp. 60-66.
  12. Ferreira, B. C., Mendes, E. G., Del Prette, Z. A. P., & Almeida, M. A. (2007). Parceria colaborativa: descrição de uma experiência entre ensino regular e especial. Revista Educação Especial, 29, 9-22.
  13. French, N. K. (2002). The Shifting Roles of School Professionals. Corwin Press. - Gettinger, M., Stroiber, K. C. & Lange, J. (1999). Collaborative investigation of inclusive early education practices: A blueprint for teacher-researcher partnership. Journal of early intervention, 22(3), 257-265).
  14. Hamill, L. B., Jantzen, A. K. & BArgerhuff, M. E. (1999). Analysis of effective educator competencies in inclusive environments. Action in Teacher Education, 21, no3, pp. 21-37.
  15. Hawbaker, B.W., Balong, M. Buckwalter, S. & Runyon, S. (2001). Building a strong base of support for all students through coplanning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 33, no4, pp. 24-30.
  16. Hitchcock, C., Meyer, A., Rose, D. & Jackson, R. (2002). Providing new access to the general curriculum. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35, no2, pp. 8-17.
  17. Hudson-Ross, S. & Graham, P. (2000). Going public: making teacher educators ́learning explicit as a model for preservice teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 27 , no4, pp. 5-3.
  18. Kanellis, A. (2008). Collaborative Teaching. Hamburgo: Vdm Verlag. - Keeine, E. B., Moore, V., Duff, F. (2004). The four knows of collaborative teaching. Teaching exceptional children, 36(5), 36-42. - Korinek, L., Walther-Thomas, C., McLaughlin, V. L., Williams, B. T. (1999). Creating classroom communities and networks for student support. Intervention in School and Clinic, 35, no.1, 3-8.
  19. Lawton, M. (1999). Co Teaching: Are two heads better than one in inclusion classroom ? Co-Teaching in Inclusion Classroom, Março/Abril.
  20. Lehr, A. E. (1999). The administrative role in collaborative teaching. NASSP Bulletin, 83, no611, pp. 105-111.
  21. Machado, A. C., & ALmeida, M. A. (2010). Parceria no contexto escolar: uma experiência de ensino colaborativo para educação inclusiva. Revista Psicopedagogia,.
  22. Mendes, E. G., Vilaronga, C. A. R., Zerbato, A. P. (2014). Ensino colaborativo como apoio à inclusão escolar: unindo esforços entre educação comum e especial. São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 160 p.
  23. Murawski, W. W., Swanson, H. L. (2000). A meta-analysis of co-teaching research: Where are the data?. Remedial and Special Education, 22, No.5, 258-267.
  24. Pugach, M. C., & Johnson, L. J. (1989). The Challenge of Implementing Collaboration Between general and special education. Exceptional Children, 56, No.3, 232-235.
  25. Salend, S. J. & Duhaney, L. M. G. (1999). The impacts of inclusion on students with and without disabilities and their educators. Remedial and Special Education, 20 (2), 114-126.
  26. Salend, S. J., Gordon, J. & Lopez-Vona, K. (2002). Evaluating cooperative teaching tems. Intervention in School and Clinic, 37, no4, pp.195-200.
  27. Walther-Thomas, C., Korinek, L. & McLaughlin, V. L. (1999). Collaboration to support student's success. Focus on Exceptional Children, 32, no3, pp. 1-18. - Weiss, M. & Lloyd, J. (2003). Conditions for co-teaching: lessons from a case study. Teacher Education and Special Education, 26, no1, pp. 27-41.
  28. Weiss, M. P., & Lloyd, J. W. (2002). Congruence between roles and actions of secondary special educators in Cotaught and special education settings. The Journal of Special Education, 36, No.2, 58-68.
  29. Welch, M. (2000). Descriptive analysis of team teaching in two elementary classrooms: a formative experimental approach. Remedial and Special Education, 21, no6, pp. 366-376.
  30. Wigle, S. E. & Wilcox, D. J. (1996). Inclusion-criteria for the preparation of education personnel. Remedial and Special Education, 17, no5, pp. 323-328.
  31. Wood, M. (1998). Whose job is it anyway? Educational roles in inclusion. Exceptional Children, 64, No. 2, 181-195.